WaterCAD 2024 Help

Active Topology

The Active Topology feature lets you create alternatives in which selected elements are displayed differently in the drawing view.

In ArcGIS mode, you must activate the WaterCAD Renderer to visually differentiate active and inactive elements. Turn on the WaterCAD Renderer by clicking the WaterCAD > View > Apply WaterCAD Renderer command.

While these elements are in the inactive state, they are not evaluated in network calculations. This ability allows you to easily create before and after scenarios for proposed construction hydraulic models and test the redundancy of existing networks.

While elements are inactive, they are not included in any hydraulic equations. Inactive elements are also not evaluated when generating contour plots, and are not available for inclusion while generating profiles. Inactive elements are differentiated visually from Active ones in the main drawing pane, in the Aerial View window, and in either of the plan view types. When generating hydraulic model inventory reports, element details reports, or element results reports, inactive elements are not included.

Inactive elements will not appear in the corresponding tabular reports, unless the Include Inactive Topology option is turned on. The default setting does not include inactive elements. Inactive elements are still available for inclusion in selection sets.

Any changes made to the Active Topology are applied to the Active Topology Alternative associated with the current scenario, and an unlimited number of active topology alternatives can be created.